9 Ways We’re Staying Safe and Still Having Fun Outdoors

New Era Colorado
New Era Colorado
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2020


by New Era Colorado

Coloradans really f*cking love the outdoors. Who can blame us when we have access to some of the world’s top outdoor recreation spots right in our backyard?

But with the current COVID-19 pandemic, our favorite summer activities can increase health risks to our communities. That said, there are still plenty of ways to enjoy the outdoors, while continuing to follow safety guidelines and maintain social distancing.

Here are some of our top suggestions:

  1. Go for a bike ride
    Create a Spotify playlist, plug your headphones in, and go for it. If you’re in Denver, there are plenty of top-notch trails that should allow you to keep plenty of space from your fellow cyclists.
  2. FaceTime phone walk with a friend
    Listen—we all have plenty to vent about at the moment. Why not get outside while you do it?
  3. Pick up gardening
    You can grow herbs on your windowsill pretty easily as a starting point. Growing Colorado’s preferred herb might take a bit more attention, but that counts as gardening too.
  4. Socially distanced picnic
    Bring your own food, spread out, and enjoy the sun with some friends. Make sure to picnic somewhere with lots of space and avoid crowds.
  5. Read a book. In a hammock.
    We’re just gonna go ahead and recommend this book (featuring yours truly!). But otherwise, read whatever helps you escape and relax.
  6. Outdoor yoga
    Post up in a park and do some sunset yoga. Don’t leave until you get the perfect IG picture.
  7. Find the trail less traveled near your house
    Remember that it’s recommended not to go farther than 10 miles from your home if possible. But if you’re lucky enough to live near a trail and can keep distance from fellow hikers, go for it!
  8. Kayaking
    Kayaking is the original socially distant form of recreation. If you’re within 6 feet of strangers while kayaking you’re not doing it right (and probably getting on some nerves).
  9. Take a nap in the sun
    For the less cardio-oriented outdoorsperson. Unless you’re aiming to cosplay as a tomato, don’t forget the sunscreen.

We hope these suggestions help you have a great Memorial Day weekend while staying safe! Whatever you end up doing, remember to still wear a mask.

